My Sister Cisco
Click on the picture of Cisco in the Colorado snow to visit Cisco's page.
My Sister Chili
Click on the picture of Chili (at left in photo above) to visit Chili's page. On the right is my brother Rumble. Photo taken
when both were 8-1/2 weeks old.
My Sister Gini
Click on the picture of Gini at 9 weeks to visit Gini's page.
My Brother Maximus
Maximus at 3 months surveying the world from a different angle. Click on Max's photo to visit Maximus' page.
My Brother Rumble
Click on the photo of Rumble at 8-1/2 weeks to visit Rumble's page.
My Brother Noah (with my Grandfather London)
Noah playing in the snow with London. (London's owners also own Noah.) Click on the picture on Noah and London to visit Noah's
My Brother Tangus
Click on the picture of our Canadian brother Tangus to visit Tangus' page.